新加坡国际游艇展将吸引更多超级富豪聚狮城 (转至:中华宝艇)
2012戛纳游艇展上,NEO MARTELLO集团与荷兰MOTION YACHTS船厂成功签订了亚洲区品牌管理合约.。与代理签约方式不同,此次不仅是将该品牌带入亚洲,更是将荷兰的一流造艇技术引进中国......(详情请点击进入)
Want to get to know her?
She is a mesmerizing lady, the stunning beauty who never fails to turn heads wherever she goes... We are, of course, talking about a yacht! Click here to learn more about the history and culture of yachting.
Water Toys
Enjoy the passion of the sea with a variety of superyacht toys, including waveboards, jetskis, speed boats, even mini submarines! Are you ready to put the coolest equipment out there on your yacht to make your wildest dreams come true?
Useful Tips
What are the things to pay attention to
when chartering or buying a yacht?
Let us take a look together.
Yacht Transport
Get the most premium services and best quotes through Martello Yachting, the solution for yacht transport and delivery.